“In our small classes, we talk about almost every subject under the sun. One of the topics that comes up is what the kids plan to do when they finish high school. Someone asked me what I had wanted to be when I was growing up. As far back as I can remember, all I wanted to be was a Wife, Mother and an Artist. I feel so fortunate to be living my dream.”
Linda Jones
Linda has been an artist forever, and it has been her pleasure to have taught so many adults and children her passion and expertise over a 40 year span. When the teen reaches a certain point and they decide that they want to continue with their artist endeavours, she is their mentor. Many former students pop in for a mug of her famous hot chocolate or a cuppa tea.
…and now children of the children she taught, are coming for classes and a mug.
These days, Linda is focused on teaching art to all ages, creating custom pet portraits for her fellow pet-lovers, loving painting in oils and now is immersed in wood working, replicating Barns, Homes, Shops using her village for inspiration.
Hygge Bath, Ladner BC
Studio Instructors
Linda and Rebecca Jones
“There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it.”